Thursday, July 28, 2011

1970: Golden Digest #8

I was sick. I'd come down with mononucleosis, and I'd missed months of school. I don't have much recollection of what happened during those months; Mama told me I'd slept most of them away. But I know that on the way home from the Naval Hospital in Millington, Tennessee (my father's veteran status allowed us to use the Navy hospital), we stopped at some small store and she bought me this:
I remember very little about this period, but I do remember sitting on the floor of my bedroom, reading this digest while the small TV that Mama had set up to also keep me company was tuned to the PBS station, WKNO in Memphis. That was the only moderately kid-friendly programming one could find midday in 1970. As I tolerated the puppetry antics of "Mr. B", I found much more pleasure in the familiar comic antics of some of my favorite TV cartoon characters in this Gold Key publication. Its best feature was that it was relatively thick, so the stories lasted a while.
And that's the last of the comics before the big one, the first one I bought for myself. In one short year, I was going to finally take that big step, and pick a comic book off the spinner rack...


  1. I was mildly surprised to see one of these digests pop up on Mike's Nesstand feature for this month (I think) in '71, as I hadn't realized they were coming out quite this early. Would these have been the first comics digests, period?

    Otherwise, yeah ... sleeping. That's what you're supposed to do with mono. Figures that, given my chronic problems in that area, I would veer in the opposite direction & basically not sleep for a week when I came down with it, though that wasn't for another 9 years or so.

  2. (I know that various comics paperbacks had come out a few years earlier, but those ain't digests.)
